While some people way smarter than me, like Dan, Mollie, and Frank, seem to be all worked up about these new moves of the Holy Spirit, I’m really excited. It allows me to brush up on my bureaucratese, plus it means new acronyms!
CRM = Constituent Relationship Management
NMCRSTM = The National Missionary Catalyst for Rural and Small-Town Mission
WMNMT = LCMS World Mission-National Mission Team
NRSTTF = National Rural and Small-Town Task Force
SPIFE = Saint Paul Institute for Education
And who couldn't be excited about another task force! I am a little disappointed though that the NRSTTF (National Rural and Small-Town Task Force for you slow learners) didn't make the "Blue Ribbon Task Force" cut, and will have to languish in relative anonymity. Maybe they'll get the nod for Blue Ribbon honors at their next annual review.
I do have one serious concern though: With this many task forces running around, supply lines will be stretched to the breaking point, and the risk of friendly fire will be greatly increased. I’m going to suggest to headquarters that they appoint a high level ultra-blue-ribbon task force to thoroughly examine the logistics of this complicated situation and attempt to coordinate acronyms, before the command and control structure becomes hopelessly entangled in dead links, competing bureaucracies, overtaxed consultants, turf wars, and Reformed theology. Hopefully, with the oversight created by this new supervisory ultra-blue-ribbon task force layer, all of our task forces will march together as one mean, lean, über-missiological fighting machine. We won’t have much time for teaching and learning with all the fund raising going on, but at least we’ll be marchin’.
Gosh, I was at first discouraged by this consultant stuff, but you have raised my interest level to the point where I feel like I'm in an episode of "The Unit".
Now we can all have cool nicknames like "snake doctor" and "dirt diver"!
Thanks "truth-sniffer"!
I mean Scott.
What ever happened to KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid
How I long for the days of "Keep the message straight Missouri, Get the message out Missouri."
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