Friday, October 28, 2011

Who's the Best Presidential Candidate in 2012?

Who makes the best presidential candidate? Somebody that's intelligent, a logical thinker, honest, loyal, decisive, computer-savvy, not given to emotional outbursts, willing to make the hard decisions, and unwilling to violate the prime directive. Who best fits the bill? Here's your answer:

HT: Becky


Dennis Peskey said...

The question that must first be answered, "What is the prime directive?"

Jim Pierce said...

Spock is too smart to run for US President.

Scott Diekmann said...

Dennis, I can't speak for Lt. Cmdr. Spock - you should ask him.

Jim, I suspect Spock will eventually use his leverage by endorsing another candidate.

Fallhiker said...

Worf, honor above all, and not afraid to fight!

Scott Diekmann said...

Worf's candidacy might not go over too well when the public finds out that his favorite food is rokeg blood pie. His negotiating skills might need a little "polish" as well.

Anonymous said...

What has logic got to do with politics? In my experience, they are mutually exclusive. Spock wouldn't have a chance. He doesn't know enough about emotions, feelings, and image--now THAT'S what counts!

Joe Strieter

Andrew said...

I say Worf, anyone who thinks prune juice is a warrior's drink is fine with me.

Carl Vehse said...

Spock would not be qualified to run because he is not a natural born U.S. citizen.

Oh wait... I forgot, we don't pay attention to that requirement anymore.