Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Congratulations to Issues, Etc. and Lutheran Public Radio on their one year anniversary! The show continues to prosper, boldly going where no (LCMS sponsored) show has gone before. In the photo, Wilken makes an exception to his long-standing "no autograph" rule at the after-the-show bash.

photo credit: Thomas Hawk

Continue on to Part 2, A Case of Mistaken Identity?


Anonymous said...

I'm not the suspicious type, but I'd sure like to know just what it is that Todd is autographing.

Tell me there's some paper there someplace, please!


Scott Diekmann said...

I believe it was an optical illusion created by the use of a long lense, causing the foreground and the background to be compressed.

Todd Wilken said...

Definitely not me in the picture.


Dan @ Necessary Roughness said...

That is hilarious. Epic win.

matthias said...

I knew Lutherans had all the fun.what was it that Luther said,that was foudn written ona wall in a taven in Swabian settled Rumania 'he who has not experienced wine,women or song" well one of out three ain't bad

Matt said...

So somewhere there is a babe walking around with "Wir sind Bettler" scrawled across her pecs. Kind of gives the term a whole new angle!