Monday, September 15, 2008

The Shack: An Encounter With God?

The Shack, written by William P. Young, is currently the nation’s #4 best selling book according to USA Today. It is a fictional work about a man named Mac, whose daughter is kidnapped and murdered, and follows him as he journeys through the psychological aftermath of the loss of his daughter. Mac eventually has a weekend encounter with God in a shack in the wilderness. It is this encounter that has caused such excitement in the real world.

One comment by David Gregory on The Shack promotional website reflects how many people have reacted to The Shack:

An exceptional piece of writing that ushers you directly into the heart and nature of God in the midst of agonizing human suffering. This amazing story will challenge you to consider the person and the plan of God in more expansive terms than you may have ever dreamed.

The question is, is the portrayal of God in The Shack an accurate one? Quite a few Christian apologists out there, and a number of Lutherans, say "no." For an in depth review of The Shack from a Lutheran perspective, please check out Jim Pierce’s review of The Shack on his blog Confessional’s Bytes.

1 comment: said...

I have to say that "The Shack" by William P. Young was a very thought provoking read.

After reading the book, I was left pondering several things about it – which is a true testament to the book's worth. I had several questions on the validity of some of the descriptions of God but I had to humbly admit that there may be no answers this side of heaven for how God presents Himself to each individual.

I posted a more in-depth review of this book on my own blog
