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Jeff out corrallin' guests. |
photocredit: Conlawprof
Stand firm in your faith, or you will not stand at all Exposing the threats to Confessional Lutheranism
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Jeff out corrallin' guests. |
The purpose of this paper has been to raise some questions in your mind—though it may not have offered any answers. Questions about pastoral formation and certification, delivery systems for theological education, the relationship of pedagogy and methodology, continuing education, basic issues of funding, and many others will need to attention of best minds gathered together in prayerful consideration of the future of our confession. I hope this paper will contribute modestly to that endeavor, and I look forward to working through these issues with you.
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A show of hands of those presenters who read Stand Firm. Or not. Rast is waffling. |
Reason plays the game of blind man’s bluff with God. It makes nothing but false moves and always misses Him in that it calls that “God” which is not God; and, conversely, fails to call Him God who is God…. It goes about the matter in this clumsy way, ascribing the name of God and divine honor to what it imagines to be God but never hitting upon the true God but rather on the devil or its own notion, which the devil controls. This is the reason why there is indeed a very great difference between knowing that God exists and knowing what or who God really is. The first truth human nature knows, and it is written in all hearts; the second only the Holy Spirit teaches. (St. L 14:859)
“When we were still monks, we accomplished nothing by our mortifications of the flesh, for we refused to admit our sin and our godless way of life. As a matter of fact, we knew nothing about original sin, and we didn’t understand that unbelief is sin. And, what is more, we also believed and taught that one must doubt God’s grace and mercy. That is why, the harder I ran and desired to come to Christ, the further He receded from me. After confession and when I had conducted Mass, my heart was never at peace, for conscience can never find real, abiding comfort in good works.” (II, 467, [cf. LW 5, 157])
In his tract [Concerning the Lord’s Supper, a Confession] of 1528 Luther wrote on this relationship:If you can say: Here is God, then you must also grant that the Man Christ is likewise present. And, if you were to point to a place where God is present and not the man, then the person would already be divided, for then I could really make the assertion: Here is God who is not man and never was man and not my God. …No, my dear fellow, where you place God, there you must likewise put the humanity of Christ, for they cannot be separated in that they have become one person.God is not limited to space, yet He revealed Himself in space. He can be where he wishes and can be everywhere present. To define this presence, Luther used the terms in, with, and under, implying “real presence,” yet not in the physical sense of space. The same Christ who could pass through stone walls, bolted doors, and disappear in a moment, could for Luther also be in the bread and wine through this quality of ubiquity, even though Communion was celebrated in ten thousand places at the same time.
Yet, because of Christ, they are holy, divine works, sacrifices, and acts belonging to the rule of Christ, who in this way displays His kingdom before this world. For in these works He sanctifies hearts and represses the devil. In order to retain the Gospel among people, He openly sets the confession of saints against the kingdom of the devil and, in our weakness, declares His power.
71 [192] We think this way also about every good work in the humblest callings and in private affairs. Through these works Christ celebrates His victory over the devil, just as the distribution of alms by the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 16:1) was a holy work, a sacrifice and battle of Christ against the devil, who labors so that nothing may be done to praise God. 72 [193] To demean such works (the confession of doctrine, sufferings, works of love, suppression of the flesh) would be to demean the outward rule of Christ’s kingdom among people.
The longer we live as Christians, the mark of Christian maturity is, the longer, the more we learn to believe how dependent upon the grace of God we are.
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