Thus with the original depravity there are always actual sins, which in the unregenerate are all mortal. And the total person is damned with his fruits, as John says: “He that believeth not the Son…, the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36). Although there are the great virtues of Aristides, Fabius, Pomponius Atticus, and others, we know that the original depravity nevertheless remained in them, and that their hearts were full of doubts and corrupt desires. The knowledge of Christ was lacking and there was no true worship of God.
Let us never forget that many excellent men of outstanding virtue were nevertheless defiled by extraordinary vices, demonstrating that they were in the power of the devil. How great was the depravity in the morals of Hercules, Themistocles, Pausanias, Alexander, and many others, who in the beginning were very restrained. These examples warn us that we may not disparage the knowledge of Christ, as many do by transferring the heathen to heaven. Let us rather fear the wrath of God the more, because we see them rejected and defiled in various and fearful ways, even though there were many excellent qualities in them. Let us not despise the Son of God; let us not imagine that men have been saved without the Son of God; let us not trample upon the blood of the Son of God. These matters we have prefaced concerning the unregenerate, in whom all actual sins are mortal, even as is original sin.
1 comment:
"Although there are the great virtues of Aristides, Fabius, Pomponius Atticus, and others, we know that the original depravity nevertheless remained in them, and that their hearts were full of doubts and corrupt desires." I am completely in agreement with that. There's a really fascinating debate that I thought would be of interest on evolution vs. intelligent design going on at http://www.intelligentdesignfacts.com
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