I responded “Umm..., yeah, I think he was trying to recreate his high school look or something.” I’ll have to admit that was just speculation on my part. After admiring the photo for a bit longer I responded to P. Weedon, “I took another look at the photo. I guess I was wrong. It must be the lighting. I think I recognize the lady that Todd is providing the autograph for, and I'm pretty sure her hair is actually gray and shortish as well. It must be either the lighting or the camera 'exposure' setting!”
I’m willing to entertain the idea that it could be a case of mistaken identity. I make note of the fact that Pastor Wilken in the comments section of the previous post states “Definitely not me in the picture.” Still, there’s that nagging thought in the back of my head that he could be using that time honored celebrity tactic of “deny, deny, deny,” more formally know as plausible deniability. That doesn't really make sense though - after all, what's the harm in giving out a simple autograph?

All right, I’ll admit it. It isn’t really Pastor Wilken in the previous post's photo. But wait! Maybe it’s Jeff!
Jeff, Pastor Wilken--whomever. I still want to know what he's doing?
Johannes :)
I doubt this is Pastor Wilken. If you take the original post as tongue-in-cheek, though, it really doesn't matter.
Clearly, Pastor Wilken would not be signing a body part!
If not for this post raising the question, I would have chuckled and went on with my day.
No Aaron, it's not Pastor Wilken, nor is it a photo from the party. The guy in the photo doesn't look anything like Pastor Wilken, and as you point out, he wouldn't be signing a body part anyway. I'm just having a little fun. And, as the last line of the post states, it isn't really Pastor Wilken. Thanks for reading, even when I'm just goofing off.
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