Imagine Julie Andrews singing “
My Favorite Things” in
The Sound of Music for this blog post and you’ll have a modestly grand time.
If you’re a blogger or a website administrator, there’s about a 99% chance that you check your “stats.” Your stats can tell you a lot about who’s visiting your website, where they’re located, how long they stay and what they read -- even the screen resolution of their monitor. If you’re a business owner, your stats translate into dollars. Many a web guru has spent a sleepless night or more figuring out how they can drive their “stats” up. (A little like
Ablaze! officials I guess.) Sophisticated web designers will go to great lengths to design everything on the page, including the wording, to drive up their “Google rank.”
On the other hand, I don’t look at my stats a whole lot. You won’t see me writing blog posts in a certain way just to attract more readers. One thing I do check on occasion though is the keywords people type into their web browser (i.e. Google) to arrive at this blog (and also at
SoundWitness.org, which is a Lutheran apologetics website that I also have a hand in). It’s kinda fun to see some of the things people type in to get here. Today for instance, somebody in
Korea (
http://www.google.co.kr/) typed in the word “
schadenfreude” and ended up at Stand Firm, specifically at last Friday’s humorous post about Pastor Weedon, called “
Was it Schandenfreude?" I’m still not sure how they got here. I looked through ten pages of
schandenfreude on Google and couldn’t find the link for Stand Firm, but it’s gotta be there somewhere. Your “page rank,” where your website page is positioned in relation to all the other links that come up on the search engine page, changes from day to day, based on a very sophisticated (and secret) set of parameters that Google uses. They tweak their parameters often, which is one reason why the same page’s page rank can vary from day to day.
An easier to understand visitor to Stand Firm was the one who typed “the green bible criticism” into the search box on Google in the U.S. That brought up an article called "
The Green Bible: Environmentalism Gone Awry" that I wrote a while back. It was the second link listed on the first page of Google’s results, so it’s not surprising that they would end up at Stand Firm.
The visitors that constitute “a few of my favorite things” are the ones who end up at an article that may give them a bit of a surprise when they get there. Imagine the consternation the person who’s trying to track down some information on their favorite “movement,” the Transforming Churches Network, gets when they type “transforming churches network” in, and they select the third Google link, which takes them to "
The Transforming Churches Network: Part 1, A Non-Native Invasion."
The unsuspecting person who’s not paying attention when they type in “pli lcms” during their search for the official Pastoral Leadership Institute website and accidently selects the second Google link instead of the first one will end up with a real shock at “
A Third Seminary in the LCMS?”
When you type in "’emerging church’ lcms” the sixth Google link will take you to “
LCMS Inc.: We R In Control,” which is actually an article on the BRTFSSG, and Google also lists a sub-article, "
The Emerging Church, Part 2: A 'Chastened Hermeneutic'.” The hat tip for the first article listed on the Google results goes to my friend Ingrid Schlueter for her blog post at Slice of Laodicea called “
LCMS Invites Emerging Church Guru Dan Kimball.”
But my most favorite thing happens when an unsuspecting Jehovah’s Witness types in “nearest kingdom hall memorial,” hoping to attend the memorial, which is their equivalent to Holy Communion (minus the Holy part). If they select the first Google link in the list, they end up at Sound Witness, faced with an apologetics article on the very same topic titled “
Our Visit to the Kingdom Hall Memorial!” Written by my apologetics partner Greta Olsoe, the article lays out the works righteousness of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and how their “memorial” contradicts the Gospel. Hopefully they’ll read it, and other similar articles at Sound Witness, and be rescued from their Law-driven organization.
Of course, while I say these things somewhat jokingly, it’s no joke. All of the apologetics articles that are sighted above have something in common, even though their subject matter is different. They all discuss the same error, in which man relies on himself to get things done, instead of relying on his Savior, who’s already completed His task on the cross. He’s already gotten it done. Whether you’re trying to save yourself through your own efforts, or trying to save someone else through your own efforts, neither will work. It’s only through trust in Jesus Christ, in what He has done, and in what He continues to do through His Word, that people come to a knowledge of the truth.
So when I see someone reading one of these articles I know that they’re being led to the truth, and that really is one of my favorite things.
My Testimony
Nausea and Sin Go Together
The Last of the Seattle Summer
“I hope you’re not superstitious.”
You Don’t See This Every Day: Space Shuttle Endeavour Rolls Through L.A.
We’re So Serious About Being Church We’re Going to Cancel Church!
The Purpose of the District, by Joe Strieter
The King Tut Exhibition: Going, Going…
The Atlantic District of the LCMS – Dividing the House
One Leads to the Other
Are You Generis? Probably Not. But Your District Might Be.
An Executive Pastor Position: The Kiss of Death
Evolved or Designed?
The Slave’s Purpose-Driven List of 'Encouragement'
Transhumanism: The Logical End Product of Evolution
The Four Stages of Church Growth Disease
Rev. Dr. Matthew Becker: Nature Interprets Scripture
We Shouldn't, but We Do
In You Changing a Diaper, Christ Celebrates His Victory over the Devil
The Ultimate Medieval Offset
Our Christmas Liturgy
Less Tuition – for a Semester
Fifteen Things Not to Do in a Sermon
Did You Know Your Church’s DNA Is Defined by Five Components that Create the Platform for All Vision Casting?
What We Have Here Is a Failure to Communicate
Darwin vs. Beauty: The End of the Argument
God Hates Sin but Loves the Sinner?
The Hat Makes the Man
Alchemy: The Pot Becomes the Potter
Jamming for Jesus: Giving Him My Everything
Pastor Joel Osteen on Piers Morgan Tonight: Word-Faith Confusion
Wooden Beauty – Churches of the Russian North
President Kieschnick is Right – This Really Isn’t Your Grandfather’s Church
You Can Take the Rast Out of Jamaica, but…
A Theological Head-on
The Kilt Makes the Man – with Addendum
A Satisfactory Explanation for “Begotten”
Shepherds Without Sheep
Are We Really that Dense?
America's New God - The Environment
Rev. Dr. Kieschnick’s Book Waking the Sleeping Giant: Cleaving Practice from Doctrine
Attention Open Communion Pastors
Universalism: The Gospel Message of Emergent and New Age Spirituality
A Church Divided
How Does He Do It?
Attention Liturgical Dancers
Theological Pluralism in the LCMS
Respect the Crust
Runnin' in San Diego
Institutionalism: A Lack of Confidence
Bursting the BRTFSSG Bubble Series
Was it Schadenfreude?
Sit Down and Eat
iPhone: There's a Pastor for Just About Anything
Time for an LCMS Safety Pause
A Bag Full of Mercy, Grace, and Love
VBS 2009 - Jesus Makes All Things New
The Fog of War
It's Just a Color
Running in the Muskeg
The Transforming Churches Network Series
Is the LCMS an Orthodox Church Body?
Issues, Etc., the Metaphor
Saving Private Ryan
Pulling Spines
The Excuse
Lutheran Theology Doesn't Mix
Confessing the Faith
Spirit Tracker?
What Is a Confessional Lutheran?
Not A Critical Event
Ablaze! Numbers With Honor
When Business and Church Merge
The Liturgy is God’s Leiturgia
Given the Left Foot of Fellowship
Look Who’s Been Moonlighting!
Emotions and Praise Worship
Be Wise as Serpents and Innocent as Doves
The Pastor vs. The Clinical Ethicist
Wilhelm Loehe and Evangelism
Shock and Awe Redux
This Isn’t Working Out
Terms You Must Use - Bureaucrat Style
Terms You Must Use
A Third Seminary In the LCMS?
The Top Ten List of Things You’ll Never Hear Scott Diekmann Say
WWJOD (What Would Joel Osteen Do?)
A Book Review of “Testing the Claims of Church Growth,” by Rev. Rodney E. Zwonitzer
What This Blog Isn’t
Holy Week In Mexico City and The Theology of the Cross
What Threat?
What’s It All About?