Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Blogosphere Is One Blog Larger

Dr. Albert Collver, in what can only be described as an act of vecordious judgment, has entered the blogosphere. The maiden voyage of his blog The ABC3s of Miscellany took place on January 2, christening the New Year with his much-heralded blog.

Dr. Collver is the Executive Pastoral Assistant for LCMS World Relief and Human Care, Issues, Etc. guest, and all-around good guy. Describing his absence from the blogging world until now, he points out:

Somehow the blogging stuff passed me by (or I passed it by)... or rather life happened -- graduating, kids, moving, job, etc. During this time, we helped others create websites and blogs, but no blog for us to lay our head. So inspired some by Schott's Original Miscellany and the movie Julia & Julia, we have a blog containing miscellaneous information on a variety of topics.

Soon enough we’ll see Dr. Collver walking around with a distracted look on his face in elevators and during meals as he ponders his next blog post. I hope you’ll drop by The ABC3s of Miscellany and wish him luck.

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