Monday, January 4, 2010

Battle Fatigued?

Is your mousing finger a little fatigued, a little callused, from all those clicks, searching through endless websites for information related to the upcoming 2010 LCMS Regular Convention? If you’re yearning for a site that offers a centralized location for convention info and encourages cross-focused leadership in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, there’s a new website that's just what you’re looking for. It’s called Cross-Focused Leadership for Missouri, and its tagline is “Taking a Scriptural and Churchly Approach to LCMS Issues."

This new site is being developed by a broad-based group of laity and pastors who want to see the LCMS united behind positive, cross-focused, leadership. The site offers the opportunity for you to connect at your comfort level - you can just check in and read about their efforts, or you can register your support, write comments, and, if you wish, get involved by helping them as an organization. They hope to provide opportunities for people to get the word out about cross-focused leaders in the Synod, and want to see Missouri Synod Lutherans come back together again as a church family.

The site offers analyses of the Blue Ribbon Task Force proposals and links to other helpful information. Delegates to the 2010 LCMS Convention can sign up for periodical emails on the convention. There are areas for laymen to address their questions, and what I really like, a spot where you can as Pastor Martin Noland questions about the Blue Ribbon proposals.

This site seems like a great opportunity for us to grow and possibly even help out as the 2010 Convention approaches. I hope you’ll check it out.

photo credit: lucias_clay

1 comment:

  1. Scary stuff. I have read the proposals, thanks. I hope that the convention does not tear the LCMS apart.
