Sunday, June 17, 2012

Prayer of a Housefather

Gracious and Eternal God! Who Thyself in Paradise hast ordained holy matrimony, vouchsafe unto me Thy grace and help in my married life, that I may ever maintain the true Christian love and fidelity toward my spouse. Grant, that I may dwell with her, as with the weaker vessel, in kindness and harmony according to knowledge, giving honor unto her, as being heirs together of the grace of life, and guide her together with my children and servants to the true knowledge of Thy divine glory, and to modesty and honesty. Grant to them also, O Lord, that they follow Thee, and suffer themselves to be guided. Preserve us, O Thou God of Peace, from strife and dissensions, and the calumnies of the enemy, from undue suspicion, which the devil sows as a seed of perdition, and for the destruction of conjugal love and faith. Grant, that as Thy children we may suffer and forgive each other in love and charity. Give us faithful servants and keep them in good health. Bless our labor and all that contributes to the wants of the body. Enable us to bear our cross with patience, and grant that we be together again in the after-life. Amen.

John Habermann, Morning and Evening Prayers for All Days of the Week, Trans. Emil H. Rausch, (Fairbanks: Project Gutenberg, 2011) eBook edition, location 650.

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