Sunday, May 13, 2012

Prayer of a Housemother

O God Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Thou giver of all blessing and consolation, behold me, whom Thou hast placed in the estate of holy wedlock and made me the mother of this family, with the eyes of Thy mercy. Vouchsafe unto Thy handmaiden Thy grace, that I may love Thee above all things, seek Thee, and ever be diligent in Thy service. And grant that next to Thee I may honor, fear, and love my husband, and obey him with patience and kindness, in pure and modest conduct, in piety and humility well pleasing to Thee, and that the hidden life of my heart be constantly adorned with a meek and gentle disposition and every virtue, even as in former times the consecrated women, who trusted in God and continued in subjection to their husbands. Enable me to train my children and servants with meekness, to the honor and glory of Thy holy name. Give grace, that they follow me with gentleness, and grant, that I with my husband and family may satisfy the wants of this life in good health and according to Thy divine will. Protect us from harm and from enemies. Enable us so to use this world that we be not hindered in our salvation, but in all things seek Thee, O Lord, and endeavor to be well-favored in Thy sight. May we not despise the cross neither murmur against it, but bear it in patience, and thus remain in Thy keeping unto the end. May we as servants of God bring forth abundant fruitage, live holy lives in this world, and attain to the everlasting inheritance in the world to come.

John Habermann, Morning and Evening Prayers for All Days of the Week, Trans. Emil H. Rausch, (Fairbanks: Project Gutenberg, 2011) eBook edition, location 663.

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