My friend Brian Yamabe and his co-blogger Joshua McNary are the authors of a blog/podcast called The Parental Office. They're both fathers of younger kids, and are thus called by God to teach the faith to their kids. They are producing a series of podcasts in which they discuss their parental vocation, including ideas on how to raise their kids in a God-pleasing way using Lutheran theology and resources. As Brian states:
One issue that has stuck with me the last couple of years is how to pass on the faith to my daughters. What can we do better at home? What can we do better at church? What has worked with my daughters? What has worked for others? What should we avoid? I’m hoping the podcast can be a platform for exchanging information that helps parents integrate their children into the Christian life.
I like what they're doing. This is more than just a "how to" show, it's a resource that might very well reorder your thought processes on how to raise your kids from a Biblical, Lutheran perspective, and cause you to reconsider you vocation as parent.
You can follow Brian and Joshua on Facebook or Twitter. Their podcasts are available on their blog, and are available on iTunes.
Scott, thanks for this write-up on our little Parental Office project. With God's grace and a firm focus on Christ, we hope to be providing support to parents for as long as our kids let us! God bless. We look forward to bumping into you again soon.