Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Join Me at the Lutheran Concerns Association Conference

The Lutheran Concerns Association (LCA) Annual Conference is being held on Monday, January 16th at Don Hall’s Guest House in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I’m planning on being there – maybe you’d like to head on over as well. You can double your conference pleasure by migrating to Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS) the next day for their 2012 Symposia Series. The LCA promotes confessional causes within the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and speaks out on issues which undermine confessional Lutheranism.

Some of the LCA highlights include the following speakers:
  • Rev. Dr. Larry Rast, President of Concordia Theological Seminary, presenting “For Better or Worse: Seminaries, Theological Education and Pastoral Formation”
  • Rev. Kevin Vogts on “Our Concordia System: The Dying of the Light or Light from Above?”
  • Rev. Michael Kumm, Vice Chair of the LCMS Board of Directors, on “Synodical Issues and Update”
  • Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller, member of the LCMS Board for National Mission and co-host of the radio show Table Talk Radio, on “Youth Ministry and the Disappearing Demographic: What’s Gone Wrong and How Can We Fix It?”
  • Mr. Walter Dissen, Esq, LCA President, on “Theology: the Real Issue of the Preus Era”
  • Rev. Dr. John Wohlrabe, LCMS Second Vice-President, on the Office of the Ministry
Also speaking will be Rev. Joseph Fisher, Rev. Charles Froh, Mr. Scott Meyer, Esq., and Rev. Dr. Bill Weinrich.

With all of these speakers and a gathering of fellow confessional Lutherans, it should be a rewarding experience. You can find all the details here. You can subscribe to the newsletter of the LCA, The Lutheran Clarion, by going here:


  1. Wish I could be there on Monday, but I will make it for the second symposium...maybe see you there.

  2. Glad you're going to make it this year. Hope to see you again.


  3. Hi Pastor Paul. I'm leaning towards not attending the symposia, at least not all of it. My niece is getting married later that week, so I'm heading to Colorado for that, plus, with two kids in college (even with a semester absence for Paige) I'm trying to avoid ringing up a bunch of bills. Hotel rooms add up fast!

    Hey Jim. I'll see you there!
