Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Quotable Blog Quotes #14

Quotable Quotes From Around the Blogosphere

Confessional Gadfly
Pastor Eric J. Brown

Missouri has in her pride and arrogance turned away from her first love - that is simply being a collection of congregations and pastors, faithful to the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions, desiring to walk together in love and peace as each congregation and pastor worked the place that was given to them.

Let us make our pastors once again pastors in congregations, and not simply idea men or paper pushers in some cubicle where they think up abstract theologies for the "greater good." Let them be where true theology of the best sort happens - in the pulpit and sanctuary, in the classroom, at the hospital bed, at the shut-in's side, at the congregational pantry...

Confessional’s Bytes
Jim Pierce

Religious leaders caught up in this universal spirit of the age fall all over themselves in taking opportunity to show their unity in the doctrine of religious multiculturalism. What used to be simply a call for tolerance of each other's beliefs is now a silent killer. Rather than physically executing a Christian for confessing the truth, we now have a politically correct apparatus through multiculturalism in which to "kill" the message that there can be only one truth found in Christ. Claiming to have "the Truth" is a message held by hyper-radicals like Islamofascist terrorist groups, by today's "standards." "Live and let live" is the message of the day and sadly too many American Christians are buying into it.

Pastor Christopher Esget

"The Spiritual Sickness of Independence and Autonomy"
My denomination (the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod) is old (by American terms), and has not aged particularly well. We have weird layers of bureaucracy, odd traditions, and a really ugly logo. Most of her members don’t like me very much. (But then, I’m not very lovable, and don’t try real hard to make friends, either.) But I love her. Not because I was born into her, but because her confession is my confession. Not everybody in the Synod entirely agrees with our confession, and not everybody is practicing it. Here’s a surprise: she’s full of sinners, too. But her confession is my confession, and that’s what makes me stick with her.

Father Hollywood
Pastor Larry Beane

Upon listening in the car, it wasn't quite what I expected. The music did feature (nearly all) Latin chant by the female choir - but there was more. The vocals were overlayed with New Age licks reminiscent of Enya. Don't get me wrong, I like Enya. I know I'm probably not supposed to, but I don't really care. I also like pineapple-amaretto daiquiris and little umbrellas in my drinks. You want my man card? Μολὼν λαβέ, tough guy! But Enya is not sacred music. I didn't dig the whole Gregorian Chant thing with massage music going in the background.

Four and Twenty+ Blackbirds
Pastor Rick Stuckwisch

Pastors are prepared for the pastoral ministry by the pastoral care of the pastoral ministry: which isn't about marketing or propaganda, but comprises the preaching of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, the ongoing catechesis of the Word of Christ unto faith in His forgiveness, the hearing of confession and the absolving of sins in His name and stead, and the regular reception of the Body and Blood of Christ. Where those things are not at the center, neither is Christ Jesus. Where those things are the heart of who we are and what we do, there Christ is our true treasure, and we live by the grace of His Gospel, unto the life everlasting.

Father Bernell Eckardt

The Feast of the Holy Trinity grew out of a custom of using the Sunday after Pentecost for the "reconciliation of heretics." Hence Trinity Sunday is, in a way, an opportunity to point out false teachings against the Christian truth, in order to bring the world to the truth.

Gottesdienst Online
Pastor Heath Curtis

I cry Uncle. Let it never be said that the folks at CPH have no sense of humor. The new Walther commemorative medal is made out of "antique bronze." That's a win.

Pastoral Meanderings
Pastor Larry Peters

I grow weary of those who insist upon recapturing some golden age of Lutheran theology and practice. They give us liturgical folk a bad name. But I am also weary of "the Pointes" and "the Alleys" who flaunt their freedom by trashing their Lutheran heritage and the moniker into merely a vague principle instead of a specific confession and practice.*

Theologia Crucis
Dr. Jack Kilcrease

Though Derrida was an Atheist during his life time (he obviously no longer is now that he has passed on)….

Weedon’s Blog
Pastor Wil Weedon quoting A.C. Piepkorn

In the sacramental mystery it is the body and the blood that, as the Creed puts it, was born out of the Holy Spirit and Mary the virgin, the most praiseworthy bearer of the Eternal Word. It is the body and blood that appeared to men in Palestine when Augustus and Tiberius ruled in Rome; the blood that first began to flow at His name-giving on the 8th day of His life; the body that was nailed to the cross and the blood that was the very life of the obedient Servant of Yahweh; the body which God raised from the dead and over which death no longer has dominion, and the blood that pleads for pardon and reconciliation of a world of sinners. -- A. C. Piepkorn, The Church, p. 190, 191

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