Monday, September 12, 2011

What Have You Been Doing?

Surely there must be world famous apologists and LCMS haut monde clamoring to see what the return of Stand Firm will look like, but I just don’t go in for all the hoopla. Sorry – there’ll be none of that here. It’s business as usual [must keep a stiff (German) upper lip]. Plus, really, how many of the LCMS upper crust actually read this blog? Although, if any of you are reading this and are looking for something extra to do, I do take submissions, but the editorial board is rather picky.

Where have I been and what’s happened in the past eleven months?


     • I devoted more time to some of my other vocations.

     • I read a tall stack of books.

     • I bought a bunch more books, even though I don’t have room for the ones I’ve already got.

     • I discovered a great used bookstore, Brused Books, in Pullman, Washington.

     • The local Borders is going out of business.

     • We took our other kid, Zach, off to college. I miss him.

     • Father Hollywood went to Siberia.

     • Pastor Hans Fiene went viral.

     • I’m still simul iustus et peccator – otherwise I definitely wouldn’t be here writing this.

     • The LCMS website got a much-needed facelift.

     • Jeff Schwarz had a baby. Or was it his wife? I can’t remember which.

    • Oh yeah. I added a “RECENT COMMENTS” gizmo over on the right sidebar so you can         see what people are thinkin’ — and you too if you dare to leave a comment!

That’s pretty much all the stuff that comes to mind. Too bad I don’t keep a diary. I’m sure things will creep up as we go along, so it might seem like I’m having flashbacks for a while.

It’s a cat-eat-cat world out here in the Lutheran blogosphere. Trying to come up with original stuff is tough, especially with seasoned bloggers like Pastors McCain and Weedon putting out quality material. So if you come up with any good ideas, let me know. In the mean time I intend to keep up the familiar mix of dubious humor, dusty old quotes from dead guys who spoke German and wrote the book on catholic theology, an occasional post written by someone else, and as much Confessional material as I can come up with.

If you feel like talking, leave a comment or shoot me an email – click on that “Email Scott” button over there on the right. In the mean time, thanks for reading, and stop by tomorrow for some great eye candy.


  1. Welcome back, Scott! This is why I don't kick bloggers off of Google Reader unless they get overtaken by spambots. :)

  2. Welcome back! (Now that you're back in action does qualify for your blogroll?)

  3. Don't have accounts, for those listed. But, Scott, I am so very glad (blest) that the man & site my family & I have learned so much from & are so very fond of it's author (pax Christi) are back. Blessings to you & your family & the Stoeberl's look forward to your return posts!!!! Thank you, with heartfelt joy!

  4. Welcome back Scott! It is good to see you back nice and rested from blogcation.

  5. Thanks Dutch, Pastors Hoff, Chryst, and Jim.

  6. All I can say is welcome back and it is about time!

  7. Good to see you back. Wish I had been able to read a stack of books this summer--now I have about 5 stacks to get done!!
    Pastor Sterle

  8. Welcome back Scott! Been a busy week but I'll catch up eventuality. Good to have you back on the blogs again.
