Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Substitute for 8-30A Fails

It was proposed, and voted down 527 to 573, that Overture 8-16, To Retain Current Constitution Articles II–IV, VI–VII, found in the original Convention Workbook on page 227, substitute for Resolution 8-30A, To Amend Article VI, found on pages 389-390 in Sunday's Today's Business. I'm sorry this one failed.


  1. Can Article VI actually be amended? Article XIV.1 states, "Changes in the Constitution and amendments thereto may be made provided they do not conflict with the provisions laid down in Article II and in Article VI." By definition, any amendment to Article VI would "conflict with the provisions laid down in" it previously.

  2. But it wouldn't conflict whith what it said right now aletheist! You bring up a good point. I think it's too much of a brain-bender for me.
