Evan Goeglein interviewed Pastor Todd Wilken in the June 28 edition of Table Scraps, which is a production of Table Talk Radio. It was a great and far-ranging interview while discussing President Kieschnick's five critical considerations which we face going into the convention. Here's a quote of Pastor Wilken:
Listen to the whole interview:...I think that we need to finally admit that just because we're rich, and just because we have peace on our borders, and just because we drive fancy cars and are able to build big office buildings for our church officials, that doesn't make us leaders. What makes for a leader in global confessional Lutheranism are Christians who are faithful to the Scripture and the confessions and will not compromise with the culture. And whoever is doing that I will call a leader in global confessional Lutheranism. And at this point, honestly, I can't say that of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod or of its current leadership.
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