What does theology have to do with leadership? In an Issues, Etc. Web Extra Host Todd Wilken answers the question by quoting John M. Drickamer and C. George Fry’s paper “Walther’s Ecclesiology”:
"…What in the world does theology have to do with leadership?"' If we were to answer that question from Lutheran history, we would have to say, "almost everything!" A survey of the Lutheran story in the United States suggests that theological insight and synodical leadership are closely related. … It was in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, as the most confessional and theologically-minded of all the Lutheran bodies in North America, that one finds the closest connection between the two roles of theologian and church president.
This special segment of Issues, Etc. demonstrates the important characteristics of a pastor’s heart combined with a theological mind in the makeup of a synod president. Their guests discuss these attributes and how they contributed to the pivotal role played by five of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s previous presidents.
Dr. Martin Noland discusses C.F.W. Walther, the first President of the Missouri Synod, Dr. Larry Rast speaks on Friedrich Wyneken, the second President, Dr. John Wohlrabe considers Friedrich Pfotenhauer, the fifth President, Dr. Paul Zimmerman on J.A.O. Preus Jr., the eighth President, and Dr. Ken Schurb on A. L. Barry, the tenth President.
Each of these previous LCMS presidents lived in tumultuous times, and served the synod well as they applied their knowledge of theology, combined with their unique pastoral care, to guide the synod through turbulent waters. We can learn much from their example. I hope you’ll tune in to this Web Extra. You may also download a transcript here.
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