Monday, May 31, 2010

How About an LCMS Logo on Your Headstone?

The Reporter Online announced that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has approved the use of the trademarked logo cross of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod for use on government headstones and markers at graves of U.S. veterans. The Department of Veterans Affairs calls these special icons an "emblem of belief." I'm not so sure I'd care to have anything other than the standard cross on my grave, or possibly the approved Lutheran version. There aren't going to be denominations in heaven. What do you think?


  1. I could well understand wanting a Luther Rose on one's gravestone. I cannot imagine why anyone would want a synodical symbol. The doctrine represented by that rose is eternal. It is a symbol of the pure divine truth.

    A synodical symbol, rather, represents a human institution which God has not established, that is prone to, and more often than not, guilty of strife, sectarianism, and the imposition of human ordinances over God's Word. And if your synod of choice does not have such marks today, just consider what it will mean after you have been in the ground for a generation or two.

  2. You're obviously not thinking like a Synodocrat Pastor Diers. It's all about brand recognition.

  3. Unless Matthew Harrison is elected, count me out. ;)

  4. I don't know what came over me, Scott. :)

  5. Whatever they were on earth, they'll all be Lutherans in heaven. Right?

  6. I am just glad Federally maintained cemetaries are still allowed to express any form of Christian Belief on the tombstones of our honored dead. It would be a shame on our government, if all tombstones were pulled up and replaced with secular only symbolism. or reduced to name, DOB, DOD, and spouse....

  7. just another note, since my tombstone has already been erected in Barrancas National Cemetery (where our first child is interred) in Pensacola Florida it has a common cross upon it (good enough for our Lord, good enough for me)
