Quotable Quotes From Around the Blogosphere
Reformation Underground: Dead Theologians Society
David Appold
Theology must begin with God’s Word. Apart from that, as post-modernity would have it, there is no such thing as an objective truth. If spirituality is the search for the objective truth, then those who are spiritual but non-religious will cut themselves off from the very thing they desire by searching for experiential communion with God and denying the objective doctrines taught by Scripture. Those who are Christian but place little value on doctrine put their faith in experiences over God’s Word. Christian doctrine after all, is always a confession. Faith must express itself as a confession.
Weedon’s Blog
Pastor Wil Weedon
The Church as eschatological reality does not exist solely in the Eucharistic Assembly. Rather, her particular mode of existence in Eucharistic assembly is the source of her strength for her perpetual task in this world: the invasion. We are part of an alien invasion, make no bones about it. We are here to rescue as many "earthlings" as we can for the joys of that heavenly life that we certainly taste in Eucharistic assembly - our secret "visit home" each week. Strengthened to orient our lives toward the unseen realities that our Master Invader has revealed to us, He sends us out to BE His Church in this world.
More Pastor Weedon
Divine worship is a battle to strengthen faith for holding onto the promises. We know faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the Word of God. Faith comes from the promises - they are what the Holy Spirit uses to give and to strengthen faith! So we hurl the promises at each other, drench each other in them, wrap each other up in them to help one another in the struggle as we live in this very broken and damaged world, stumbling on, crawling toward the joys of the Age that is to come - where everything that is not Love will at last and blessedly be history!
Pastor Jonathan Fisk
From a comment on The Brothers of John the Steadfast website
Interestingly enough, the word “mission” is not really a biblical word at all. It comes into Christian vocabulary from the latin translation of the word Apostle. The Jesuit “missions” were the Apostolic sending of priests to convert the heathen.
If we rightly want to get our missiology nailed down, and get missional, then biblically speaking we are talking about the Office of the Ministry, the Keys, etc. This is a far cry from the word “mission” as generally bandied about, even in Lutheran circles 50 years ago. That, rather, is the “go” of Matthew 28, which has been expanded into an entire paradigm for hermeneutics. Ironically, the “go” in Matthew 28 is not even an imperative at all! It’s a participle, and thus has far more to do with “being ready to give an answer” wherever your vocation happens to leave you then with any mandate to “go go go go go.”
The Brothers of John the Steadfast
Pastor Tim Rossow
The LCMS does not need a load of postmodern jargon and lots of invented words ending in “al” (such as “missional”). Instead we need straight-forward, precise scholastic doctrinal distinctions that help us preserve teaching of Christ rather than obfuscate it.
The ABC3s of Miscellany
Pastor Carlos Herandez, the Director of Districts and Congregations for LCMS World Relief and Human Care, writing from Santiago, Dominican Republic, as he was ministering during the Haiti earthquake relief.
Even as we fanned out this morning after breakfast to relax and see a bit of historic, downtown Santiago, the sweet, renewing and restoring words of the Gospel were on our lips and in our hearts as a young "shoe shine" boy (They are everywhere!) - Jesus Imael Fante - noticed our clerical collars and asked,
"Son Padres?" (Are you Priests?)
This open a converation in which the Spirit moves me to ask,
"Creyes en Jesucristo?" (Do you believe in Jesus?) After sharing my faith with him - the forgiveness, life and salvation Jesus won for us through his suffering, death and resurrection, he asked me to bless him.
"Bendigame!" (Bless me!)
I placed my hand on his head and said, "En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espiritu Santo, Amen." (In the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen) He crossed himself and went his way to continue his work.
And both Gospel proclaimer and hearer were renewed, restored and strengthen!
Abide in My Word
Pastor Thomas Messer
How did it come to this? The answer is rather simple: We dropped the ball on church discipline many moons ago. We forgot how to say, "No!" We adopted the "agree to disagree" mentality of our post-modern culture. We turned a blind eye to what was happening in our midst. We knew congregations were adopting the practices of the methobapticostals and Americanized "evangelicals," but we didn't do anything about it. We pretended as if it didn't really matter. We thought it was just a phase that would go away.
Pastor Jeffrey Hemmer
You don't go to church to pray to God, to praise Him, or to thank Him. You can do those things anywhere and anytime. You come to church to hear the proclamation of the Gospel and to eat the Body and drink the Blood of Jesus. Those things happen nowhere else.
The Brothers of John the Steadfast
A comment by David Rosenkoette
It’s not fair to compare Contemporary Christian Music with Country Music.
Country Music often refers to Christ.
Reformation Underground: Dead Theologians Society
David Appold
Theology must begin with God’s Word. Apart from that, as post-modernity would have it, there is no such thing as an objective truth. If spirituality is the search for the objective truth, then those who are spiritual but non-religious will cut themselves off from the very thing they desire by searching for experiential communion with God and denying the objective doctrines taught by Scripture. Those who are Christian but place little value on doctrine put their faith in experiences over God’s Word. Christian doctrine after all, is always a confession. Faith must express itself as a confession.
Weedon’s Blog
Pastor Wil Weedon
The Church as eschatological reality does not exist solely in the Eucharistic Assembly. Rather, her particular mode of existence in Eucharistic assembly is the source of her strength for her perpetual task in this world: the invasion. We are part of an alien invasion, make no bones about it. We are here to rescue as many "earthlings" as we can for the joys of that heavenly life that we certainly taste in Eucharistic assembly - our secret "visit home" each week. Strengthened to orient our lives toward the unseen realities that our Master Invader has revealed to us, He sends us out to BE His Church in this world.
More Pastor Weedon
Divine worship is a battle to strengthen faith for holding onto the promises. We know faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the Word of God. Faith comes from the promises - they are what the Holy Spirit uses to give and to strengthen faith! So we hurl the promises at each other, drench each other in them, wrap each other up in them to help one another in the struggle as we live in this very broken and damaged world, stumbling on, crawling toward the joys of the Age that is to come - where everything that is not Love will at last and blessedly be history!
Pastor Jonathan Fisk
From a comment on The Brothers of John the Steadfast website
Interestingly enough, the word “mission” is not really a biblical word at all. It comes into Christian vocabulary from the latin translation of the word Apostle. The Jesuit “missions” were the Apostolic sending of priests to convert the heathen.
If we rightly want to get our missiology nailed down, and get missional, then biblically speaking we are talking about the Office of the Ministry, the Keys, etc. This is a far cry from the word “mission” as generally bandied about, even in Lutheran circles 50 years ago. That, rather, is the “go” of Matthew 28, which has been expanded into an entire paradigm for hermeneutics. Ironically, the “go” in Matthew 28 is not even an imperative at all! It’s a participle, and thus has far more to do with “being ready to give an answer” wherever your vocation happens to leave you then with any mandate to “go go go go go.”
The Brothers of John the Steadfast
Pastor Tim Rossow
The LCMS does not need a load of postmodern jargon and lots of invented words ending in “al” (such as “missional”). Instead we need straight-forward, precise scholastic doctrinal distinctions that help us preserve teaching of Christ rather than obfuscate it.
The ABC3s of Miscellany
Pastor Carlos Herandez, the Director of Districts and Congregations for LCMS World Relief and Human Care, writing from Santiago, Dominican Republic, as he was ministering during the Haiti earthquake relief.
Even as we fanned out this morning after breakfast to relax and see a bit of historic, downtown Santiago, the sweet, renewing and restoring words of the Gospel were on our lips and in our hearts as a young "shoe shine" boy (They are everywhere!) - Jesus Imael Fante - noticed our clerical collars and asked,
"Son Padres?" (Are you Priests?)
This open a converation in which the Spirit moves me to ask,
"Creyes en Jesucristo?" (Do you believe in Jesus?) After sharing my faith with him - the forgiveness, life and salvation Jesus won for us through his suffering, death and resurrection, he asked me to bless him.
"Bendigame!" (Bless me!)
I placed my hand on his head and said, "En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espiritu Santo, Amen." (In the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen) He crossed himself and went his way to continue his work.
And both Gospel proclaimer and hearer were renewed, restored and strengthen!
Abide in My Word
Pastor Thomas Messer
How did it come to this? The answer is rather simple: We dropped the ball on church discipline many moons ago. We forgot how to say, "No!" We adopted the "agree to disagree" mentality of our post-modern culture. We turned a blind eye to what was happening in our midst. We knew congregations were adopting the practices of the methobapticostals and Americanized "evangelicals," but we didn't do anything about it. We pretended as if it didn't really matter. We thought it was just a phase that would go away.
Pastor Jeffrey Hemmer
You don't go to church to pray to God, to praise Him, or to thank Him. You can do those things anywhere and anytime. You come to church to hear the proclamation of the Gospel and to eat the Body and drink the Blood of Jesus. Those things happen nowhere else.
The Brothers of John the Steadfast
A comment by David Rosenkoette
It’s not fair to compare Contemporary Christian Music with Country Music.
Country Music often refers to Christ.
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