Monday, January 11, 2010

The Word Revealed

Here's a quote from Pastor Mark Schlamann's excellent Epiphany sermon titled “At Home in the House of Our Lord.” You can read the whole sermon on Pastor Schlamann's blog on The Wittenberg Trail:
The chief priests and scribes remembered for King Herod the Great the words of the prophet Micah, as we heard in our text. Thus we hear the Word being revealed to the king. What we behold this day is that, for the Word to be revealed, it must be preached, and you are the blessed recipients of this Word this day, as it is preached in your hearing. How best to do this is to be here in the house of the Lord to receive Him who comes to you this day in His Word and in His body and blood. That is the simple task of the Christian: to receive His gifts with thanksgiving and praise. We receive, for we are His guests. Christ, the divine Liturgist, is our Host, for we are in His house, and He invites us to gladly receive His forgiveness, His eternal life, and His salvation. He invites us to be at home in the house of our Lord.

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