Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is Your Sword Blunted?

Worn out from passing all of those resolutions on evangelizing this or that demographic at your District Convention? Tired of hearing Evangelical speeches about “vision” and reaching the “unchurched?” Worried that your ministry may not be “effective?” Feeling like your Confessional sword has been blunted a little? Not to worry. Time for a little “revitalization!” Listen to Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller, the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Church in Aurora, Colorado and co-host of Table Talk Radio, on this excellent Issues, Etc. segment, where he answers the question: “Is it possible to care more about evangelism than the Evangel?”

It’s 20 minutes in length. Go ahead, give it a listen. I guarantee you your sword will be sharpened up after listening to this, restoring it to its pre-convention knife-edged readiness. You’ve got 20 minutes don’t ya?

photo credit: th3ph17

1 comment:

  1. An excellent interview. Thank you for posting the link.
