Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We’re Not Alone

The following quote comes from Dr. Arthur Just during his May 25th appearance on Issues, Etc.:

We’re not alone, because when Jesus is there, there are the angels and the archangels, and the whole company of heaven. And that means all who have died and risen in Christ – past, present, and future. So in Christ, all the saints are present with us. So Abraham’s there, and Isaac, and Mary, and David, and Peter and Paul, and all our relatives, our parents and grandparents, even our children, who have died in Christ, they are all there celebrating the marriage feast of the lamb in His kingdom which has no end. There is no greater comfort than that. There is no greater pastoral theology than that. There is nothing greater than coming into the presence of Jesus, being forgiven of our sins, and worshiping with the whole company of Heaven.

This was an excellent show. You can listen to the entire segment here:

1 comment:

  1. The preaching of the communion of saints should be included in every Lutheran funeral. I can think of no greater comfort to a grieving christian than to know when we join in the Divine Service, all those who have passed over to Christ are with us in worship. We confess this in our creeds; we celebrate this in the Sacrament of the Altar; we rejoice to know we are all one in the Body of Christ.
