Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Proposed Constitutional Amendment Wording / Delegate Selection

The proposed rewording of the LCMS Constitution by the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Synod Structure and Governance has been released, and is available for study here. Thanks to Kiley for pointing this out.

For a good review of the process by which delegates to the Synodical Convention are selected at their Circuit Forums, check out Pastor Tom Chryst's review at Preachrblog.


  1. Has anyone heard an explanation as to why the LCMS is releasing these documents in Flash form?

  2. The one thing I noticed, and I'm still thinking about this a bit, is that the New Version has quite a bit of language aimed at what MEMBERS OWE THEIR SYNOD - whereas (cough, cough) the Old Version seems to be much more about how the synod SERVES the congregations. See esp. Article VII B in the new version.

    In fact, to me, the new Article VII B almost seems to contradict what's laid out above it in Article VII A.1

    But maybe I'm just paranoid. Which I am.
