Friday, March 20, 2009

The CAnniversaryTM Celebration, Day 6

Welcome to Day 6!

Coming up on Day 7, closing thoughts and a few more goodies.

We lost our remaining Guest Blogger, Mollie, along the way this week, due to the weight of other responsibilities. You can check out Mollie's latest Christianity Today article here.

You might note that I put the "Sign the Petition" graphic back on the right side of the blog. If you haven't signed the Issues, Etc. trademark petition and you'd like to, clicking on the graphic will take you there. More to follow on the continuing trademark drama on Monday.

Here's today's set of guest introductions:

Today's set of treats includes some great bump music, a clip from the famous Dr. Robert Schuller interview, "outtakes," and more:

The Issues, Etc. trivia question:

What’s the name of the only blog to hold the singular honor of Issues, Etc. Backup Blog of the Week?

Click on "Read More..." to find the answer:

The answer can be found in this audio clip:


  1. Hopefully Mollie can provide her thoughts at a later time! She was quite instrumental in this whole process!

  2. We're Number 2!! We're Number 2!!
    I agree...maybe Mollie can post when she has time to take a breath.

