Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Black Tuesday

In what is the irony of ironies, while Todd and Jeff were being handed their pink slips over at the International Center (the headquarters of the LCMS) by someone from Human Resources one year ago today, someone from the International Center was over at KFUO-AM giving an interview. That someone was Gerald Kieschnick, the President of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

Here's a little of what President Kieschnick had to say that day. After you've read it, listen closely to the following audio clip of Pastor Wilken. Are their two comments related?

I see congregations who are packing the pews, to use your words. As congregations who take seriously their responsibility to communicate the Gospel in a language that people in our country can understand, and to which they can relate. Some of them use so-called contemporary worship, some of them use so-called traditional worship. All of those congregations who are packing the pews are doing worship and other activities, other ministries in the congregation and in the community in a way which is well done. Quality. They pay special attention to the details that go into a worship service, planning and actually implementing. And that takes time. That takes energy. That takes effort. That takes expertise. So the congregations that are packing the pews, to use your words, are those congregations that take seriously their responsibility, and the privilege they have to reach people, and to impact people with the Gospel...

The above graphic made its debut on the House, M. Div. blog shortly after the cancellation.

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