Monday, February 9, 2009

The Brothers of John the Steadfast have created a website called, which is designed to be your one-stop clearinghouse for all things related to the upcoming District Conventions, and the National Convention in 2010.

The site is in its infancy right now, and you can help by offering suggestions on what you'd like on the site, as well as volunteer your expert services in design, maintenance, writing, and information gathering.

Either already existing, or on the drawing board, are Convention dates, a beginners guide to LCMS "politics," reports on individual District Conventions, useful resources that relate to past LCMS conventions and resolutions, articles on LCMS polity, forums, polls, and more.

There's been a need for someplace where we can all get together and "brainstorm" on the convention(s), and I think this is it. I hope we will all utilize this site to pool our resources, and learn from what others have said as we head towards the 2010 Convention.

1 comment:

  1. Scott, this should be an interesting site. It is unfortunate that more of our brothers don't have email, let alone do the blog thing.

    Also, in an unrelated way, CLCC is about to release a new seminar titled LCMS Church Polity. It is focused on the basics of what every layman should know about the history and practical use of our church polity. I am sure a lot of people will disagree with it because they have their own view. This is the historical view that really hasn't changed, but has rather been forgotten and not taught.

    This was born from the frustration of so many Lutherans not knowing what our historical polity is. Almost exclusively, when some adult comes to the Lutheran faith from another denomination they bring their understanding of that denominations polity with them. Then nobody tells them different, so they act like they did in their old denomination. Result a hodge-podge of miss-understanding.

    I will have a copy with me when we get together in Marysville next week.
