Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Drama Continues

Yesterday’s Issues, Etc. show included this conversation between Host Todd Wilken and Producer Jeff Schwarz:


I marvel as well at the fortuitous and good, quick, return of the program, and the continuation of the program. It’s not that we’re, we’re not without our difficulties still with regard to the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. I mean, Jeff mentioned last week I think that the application for the trademark on the name Issues, Etc. is being opposed by the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod Incorporated. Actively, legally opposed. And along with that news of the opposition, also came a letter informing us of the opposition and that we, Jeff and I personally, are being threatened with legal action. They haven’t initiated any legal action against us that we know of but they have threatened to do so. So, even though the story is over, the show is back, the drama as my daughter would say, the drama of all of it continues.

In some ways I think the drama has just begun.

If this is going to be the second act, it looks like it. I mean, if the invincible stupidity of the church Corporate is true to form and plays its part well, it’s just the beginning of the second act. By the way, we will be posting a web extra at our web site, in the next couple days, explaining in detail, kind of the latest, and I won’t say the greatest, the latest and the saddest news, having to do with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod’s opposition to the Issues, Etc. trademark name, and their threat to sue us personally. We’ll be posting it at our website,

It looks like we’re once again going to be forced to mobilize the troops. I’m guessing there’ll be more news forthcoming in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned.


  1. Where does LCMS Inc. get the money for all this high-powered legal action? I hope its not from congregational dollars.

  2. Hmmm,whatever happened to not taking your brother to court?
