Friday, February 20, 2009

A Direct Question Deserves a Direct Answer

We, the people of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, deserve to know what is going on behind closed doors in our Synod. What cannot be spoken out in the open, perhaps shouldn’t be spoken at all.

When the Rev. Dr. Kieschnick is answering questions at your District Convention, ask him a direct question. One that is clear and unequivocal, and demand an unequivocal answer. A question like this would be in order: “President Kieschnick, did you speak in favor of, or in any way support, continued legal action regarding the Issues, Etc. situation at the November Board of Director's meeting?"

Another question that deserves an answer, that should be asked of LCMS Chief Administrative Officer Ron Schultz, is how much money has been spent on a specious legal quest directed towards the Issues, Etc. trademark morass. You can follow my lead and ask him that question yourself by emailing him at

photo credit: dullhunk

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