Monday, December 8, 2008

Fewer Spaghetti Suppers

Dr. John Warwick Montgomery on the October 24th Issues, Etc. show:

I would like to see pastors conduct classes in their congregations, in their churches, that would bring people up to speed on this. Indeed, this gives me an opportunity for ranting and raving. The fact of the matter is that very few churches do anything in apologetics, in the defense of the faith. And this is one of the reasons why our young people go off to college without any real understanding of how to refute the critics of Christianity and they are blown right out of the water by secular professors. ...We should have fewer spaghetti suppers and more serious work on the defense of the faith in our churches.

photo credit: ambery


  1. We could even have apologetics instruction at the spaghetti suppers. I would attend those every time.

  2. They would also include bratwurst for a proper supper.

  3. ...and beer... don't forget the beer. :)

  4. Food + Apologetics = A Good Thing! ;-)

  5. My best apologetics meetings occur with beer.
