Now he who is a faithful steward has rich consolation, also under the greatest difficulties. He can be certain that his God is pleased, and that is truly sweeter and more precious than all the glory of this world. God does not regard the glorious gifts and great results of his workers. He only and solely has regard for their faithfulness. He regards faithful preachers and teachers as everything. Christ himself calls out: "How great a thing it is to be a faithful and wise steward!"[Matthew 24:45] He allows nothing to happen to them aside from his tenderness and forbearing. If you make a mistake out of weakness, he does not break his staff over you, as indeed brothers in the office here and there do. He consoles you, stands you up and turns all things for good. While God in the Holy Scriptures speaks terrible words and curses against foolish and unfaithful servants, there is no harsh word spoken against his true servants, even though they have fallen into error.
Stand firm in your faith, or you will not stand at all Exposing the threats to Confessional Lutheranism
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Pastor Matt Harrison Engages the Blogosphere
Pastor Matt Harrison has started his own blog titled Mercy Journeys With Pastor Harrison. He blogs from a perspective unique to most of us, since he travels around the world as Executive Director of LCMS World Relief and Human Care.
Aside from the intriguing photo that adorns the top of his blog home page (a smaller version of which I stole and pasted above), Pastor Harrison offers posts on such topics as his visits to the ravaged areas in the post-Gustav aftermath, and reveals his caring pastoral attitude by posting about the Lord’s servants who minister to others in need.
His last two posts are quotations of letters written by LCMS presidents written in the last half of the 19th century, which he personally translated from the original German.
President Pfotenhauer had this to say to his church workers in 1894:
I’m glad to see Pastor Harrison joining the blogosphere, and hope you’ll check him out.
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