Why was Issues, Etc.™ canceled? According to Jeff Schwarz and Todd Wilken, because it got axed in favor of preserving the FM station, and because of an antipathy towards the show from the top of the LCMS. You can listen to their Web Extra program on iTunes titled "Why Did LCMS Inc. Cancel Issues, Etc.?" It's an eye opening 41 minutes of dialogue between Todd and Jeff.
They were basically told the show would get the axe last year by the General Manager at KFUO. The reason? Because Rev. Dr. Jerry Kieschnick, the President of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, would, after the 2007 Synodical Convention, have a majority on the Board of Directors and on the Board of Communication Services, spelling the doom of Issues, Etc.™ That doom of course, was very short-lived, and the Christ-centered Cross-focused program that is Issues, Etc.™ continues to proclaim and defend the Gospel to a fallen world.
Please support the continuing mission of Issues, Etc.™ with your prayers, and if able, with a monetary contribution.
This once again proves that Christ has more power than the pope.