Today through Wednesday marks the LCMS theological convocation in St. Louis. This is an important event in the life of our Synod. The 22 theological principles in the "Congregation-Synod-Church: A Study on Basic Theological Principles Underlying LCMS Structure and Governance" document will be discussed, and the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Synodical Structure and Governance, or BRTFSSG for "short," will begin to be discussed in earnest. These discussions will culminate in resolutions that will be considered at the 2010 Synodical convention.
The significance of this convocation, and the discussions that will follow, have the potential to significantly rearrange the "furniture" in the LCMS. I'll be traveling for the next few days, so I'd recommend you follow along via the updates provided at The Brothers of John the Steadfast. I'm betting the discussions that follow will fill up the gap between now and the 2010 Convention.
The significance of this convocation, and the discussions that will follow, have the potential to significantly rearrange the "furniture" in the LCMS. I'll be traveling for the next few days, so I'd recommend you follow along via the updates provided at The Brothers of John the Steadfast. I'm betting the discussions that follow will fill up the gap between now and the 2010 Convention.