Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Quotable Blog Quotes, v. 1.0

Assembled are a collection of notable blog quotes gleaned from various blog posts.

Weedon’s Blog
Pastor Wil Weedon
"The Church preserves the Gospel." Thus the constant appeal to tradition in both Rome and the East. But what do Lutherans say to this? "Rather, it is the Gospel which preserves the Church!" And we point to tradition *as witness* to how the Gospel has done so!
AC 24
Rt. Rev. Jack Bauer
The Lord longs for the fellowship of Divine Service with His Church. For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. The Bread of Life comes down from heaven for the life of the world. Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches, we cannot live apart from being service from the One who is Divine and Man. For if we are not cleansed of our sins we can have no place with Him, if we think it beneath Him to serve us. The Lord came to seek and save the lost, to forgive sinners. To be a Christian is to be utterly Christ-sufficient and that spiritual self-sufficiency is a way of death. Therefore Christian worship, despite human reason, is to be at the receiving end of all the Lord's mercies poured out to us in the strong Word of the Lord and so also the sacramental gospel.
Let my husband share Your Gospel freely, and use Your Law only as much as is necessary.
Rev. Fr. Burnell F Eckardt
He is a consuming fire, but in His eternal love He has purged my sin, and delivers that forgiveness to me by the Holy Ghost.
Stand Firm
Comment by Anonymous
How important was keeping track [of ‘critical events’ as Ablaze!® does] to Paul? "(Yes, I also baptized the household of Stephanas; beyond that, I don't remember if I baptized anyone else.)" (1 Cor 1:16)
On the Humorous Side:

Father Hollywood
Rev. Larry L. Beane II, SSP
In case some of my younger readers don't know what a diary is, it's an offline blog. ;-)
Father Hollywood
Rev. Larry L. Beane II, SSP
The word "missional" is not only being worn out faster than Lindsey Lohan's sense of self-respect by the latest round of church faddists and "experts" - it's being wielded as a club by starry-eyed church officials (neo-numerologists?) in the LCMS who have been seduced by the empty promises of church marketers.
Incarnatus Est

Comment by Steve Martin on the worship practices of Raymond Lewis, a Catholic Navajo who takes peyote while worshiping in front of a statue of Mother Mary.
Here we go again...back to Christ (+) again.

Jesus is just quite not enough.

A little peyote, a little rattling of chicken bones, a little bit of the bishop ordained in historic succession, a little decision on my part, a little bit of effort by me to adhere, just a little bit, to God's commands.

Jesus is just not quite enough.

Well...He is enough. Period.
Slice of Laodicea
Ingrid Schleuter

Ingrid’s slightly tweaked hymn verse, taken from a hymn penned by a Church of England pastor in 1867.
I have tweaked the above hymn slightly to reflect the new sensibilities of the Episcopal church in the area of missions. I formally propose that the Right Reverend Paul-Gordon Chandler use this as the opening hymn for his next missions conference. Here’s my proposed first stanza.
Lord, no watch thy church is keeping,
We will not thy rule obey.
There is now no need for weeping,
Christ is not the only way.
Following Jesus makes such problems
We can save them all the pain
Let them all embrace their idols
Rescue them from stress and strain.
General Scuttlebutt
Translation of COP and Presidential Statements
No word yet on how the Lutheran Heritage Foundation's project to translate the Book of Concord into Bureaucratese is coming along. It is a worthy project, however, as one could only imagine how much better things would be in the Missouri Synod if the Book of Concord could actually be read in St. Louis.

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