Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Psychoanalysis - Luther Style

There seems to be a tendency among us sinners to affix blame on others rather than admit to our own shortcomings. If you were laying on Luther's couch pouring out your woes and how your present problems were somehow ultimately related to your upbringing as a child and your parents failures, Luther might repeat what he had to say in his Large Catechism on the Fourth Commandment:
We must, therefore, impress this truth upon the young that they should think of their parents as standing in God's place. They should remember that however lowly, poor, frail, and strange their parents may be, nevertheless, they are the father and the mother given to them by God. Parents are not to be deprived of their honor because of their conduct or their failings. Therefore, we are not to consider who they are or how they may be, but the will of God, who has created and ordained parenthood.

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