Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Meditation On Habakkuk 2:20

From the new pastoral blog Four and Twenty Blackbirds, a cooperative blog of 24 Lutheran pastors.

This quote comes courtesy of Pastor Benjamin Ball, from his meditation on a break in the music during the Lord's Supper and Habakkuk 2:20, which reads "The LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him."

We live in a world with constant noise, most of it junk. The silence was so very good. I found myself wishing that the Kantor wouldn't play any distribution hymns. The silence made me thankful, for it showed the devotion of the faithful who gather on the corner of Park and Grant in Brookfield. Of course there has been silence during the distribution before but on this past Lord's Day, thanks to our Kantor and those faithful, I was finally given to understand the prophet's words on the sign above the church door in the way that comes by the Gospel. The LORD was in his holy temple, and on that piece of earth, on that corner, there was silence before Him. The LORD was present according to the promise of His Word for those dear Christians to eat His very Body and drink His very Blood and that raised up such great joy, adoration, reverence and devotion that all the people of God could do was sit and be quiet.

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